Thursday, May 3, 2012

dogs, dogs, dogs and curtains


So I figured I would feature our dogs in this post!  We have two dogs.  Diesel is a 7 year old German Short Haired Pointer.  Buster is a 4 year old rescue dog that I got in college.

Meet Diesel....

Diesel loves the sound of a gun bang, rolling in green grass, and Rygh. 

Meet Buster

Buster loves running free, laying in my lap, and me.

Buster is beginning to love the ranch life....

Buster and I have been going on long walks every morning around seven.  This morning it was a little wet!  Buster likes to run like a banshee and in so got a bit dirty.

So Rygh and I got creative with our curtains for our bedroom. First off, we went exploring for somewhat straight tree limbs.  We found four that we liked.  I spray painted them brown.  We bought hooks to hang the limb on the wall and then we hung the curtain from the limb using brown ribbon.  To finish them off, I sprayed painted 6 antlers blue to use to hold the curtain back.  I'm trying to embrace the rustic look and make it a but modern.   We are adding sliding barn doors to our room and a photo collage.  These will be featured soon!! 

I'm going to document my housewife fails on here as well...

Number 1-  Last night while cooking dinner, I had a few too many appliances in use.  The breaker flipped and Rygh was unable to get the power back to it..... needless to say, the electrician is coming this afternoon and we had to run an extension cord to keep the refrigerator on... whoops

Number 2-  I was pretty much done drying our bed sheets when I went into the bedroom and saw I did not take one of the pillowcases.


Hope you have a great day!




  2. Love the dogs!!! yeah for Buster!! Curtains look great - not sure I'm into the "blue" antlers, though, LOL - I'm too old fashioned!

    Sorry about the electricity! Life on the ranch!! LOL

    Have a great day!

    MOM F
